HBC has been blessed to have been a leader in residential design that varies in style, clientele, and locations. Our clients have trusted us with creating spaces that they will live in, dream in, relax in, welcome friends and family in, and make memories in.

Night lighting by Outdoor Illumination
Haley Residence, wilmington, nc
Lake Wylie Residence, Lake Wylie, SC
Longview residence, matthews, nc
The Sanctuary REsidence, Charlotte, NC
HBC was hired by an architectural firm to do the site planning for this project: setting the finish floor elevations (walking in front at grade, walk out out back on lower level), including setting a multi level pool decking. The grading plan proposed a very economical and ecological solution to the residence location, resulting in limited cut and fill and a low impact on the existing trees of this sloping, wooded lot.
HBC was able to meet all the requirements of the community for a limited denuded area and event stayed under on many aspects, including impervious surface.
Lake Norman Residence, Charlotte, NC
HBC designers worked closely with the owners to create amenities like a terraced home garden, koi pond, woodland walking trails including a trail to the lake's edge. HBC was able to address drainage issues on-site with a rain garden (LID) to handle and process run-off from the steep drive and courtyard.